Essay konuları sayfasında sizinle hem güncel hem de klasik essay konularını paylaşıyoruz. Dahası essay konuları sayfasında tüm essay türleri ile ilgili sizin için seçtiğim farklı konular yer alıyor. Yani tek bir sayfadan tüm essay türleri ile ilgili konulara ulaşabiliyorsunuz. Ayrıca essay yazarken hızınızı artırmak için her bir essay konusu ile ilgili argümanları ya da pointleri sizinle paylaşıyoruz.
Essay Konuları & Türleri
- Argumentative essay konuları
- Advantage & disadvantage essay konuları
- Cause & effect essay konuları
- Problem solution essay konuları
- Compare & contrast essay konuları
- Essay Konuları (Güncel & Klasik)
Argumentative Essay Konuları
Bu bölümde sizinle bir argumentative essay konusu paylaşıyoruz. Tüm argumentative essay konularını incelemek için argumentative essay konuları sayfasını inceleyin.
Konu 1
Is college education the key to a successful life? Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
- College education is a good investment in one’s future
- It provides better career opportunities
- It offers higher income compared to uneducated people
- There are also other important points such as talent, ambition and enthusiasm
- People who do not get a college education may have a business mindset
- Success doesn’t merely mean being academically successful
Konu 2
Do you think that smartphones are killing communication?
- Smartphones make people isolated from the society
- Notifications disrupt people and make them attached to their phones.
- Smartphones make people addicted to the social media and create an artificial world
- Smartphones offer various communication opportunities
- They enable people to keep in touch with people from distant places
Advantage & Disadvantage Essay Konuları
Bu bölümde sizinle bir advantage & disadvantage essay konusu paylaşıyoruz. Tüm advantage & advantage essay konularını incelemek için advantage & advantage essay konuları sayfasını inceleyin.
Konu 1
What do you think about group work? Is it beneficial or not?
- Group work helps to raise the complete output, so it increases efficiency
- Group work makes members plan more effectively and manage their timing together
- It enables information exchange
- Decision making takes more time
- It may prevent people from thinking independently which may lead to loss of creativity
- Group work can cause intrinsic conflicts among the members.
Konu 2
Is joining a social club during university years advantageous or not?
- Joining a social club enables people to meet new people.
- It makes people feel relaxed and increases their motivation.
- It may introduce people to new hobbies and skills.
- Social clubs sometimes force people to compete with other members or other groups.
- Financial obligations
- Clubs require their members to be active and engaged which may be tiring.
Cause & Effect Essay Konuları
Bu bölümde sizinle bir cause & effect essay konusu paylaşıyoruz. Tüm cause & effect essay konularını incelemek için cause & effect essay konuları sayfasını inceleyin.
Procrastination refers to the action of delaying or postponing something. What are the causes/effects of procrastination in students’ lives?
Konu 1
- Peer influence
- Feeling insecure about their ability to perform.
- A perception that a task is unpleasant or overwhelming.
- Drop in grades and a decline in academic success
- Heightened stress
- Putting off work may lower students’ self-esteem
Konu 2
What are the effects of owning a pet on one’s health?
- Owning a pet encourages physical activity and being outdoors.
- It relieves stress and relaxes people.
- It promotes social interaction.
- It makes children develop stronger immune systems.
Problem Solution Essay Konuları
Bu bölümde sizinle bir problem solution essay konusu paylaşıyoruz. Tüm problem solution essay konularını incelemek için problem solution essay konuları sayfasını inceleyin.
Konu 1
Many people think that speaking in a foreign language is quite challenging. How can we improve our speaking skill in a foreign language?
- We shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes.
- We should practice regularly.
- We shouldn’t focus on just accuracy; we should also focus on fluency.
- We should also learn to “listen” in a foreign language.
- Rather than thinking in our native language and trying to translate it, we should think in the foreign language.
Konu 2
In the last decades, there has been an increase in the number of endangered species around the world. What can be done to save endangered species?
- We should learn about endangered species around us.
- We should inform the public about endangered species.
- We should reduce the use of gases leading to global warming.
- We should recycle and use sustainable products.
- We should abstain from using herbicides and pesticides that are hazardous pollutants affecting wildlife.
Essay Kontrol Paketleri
Essay Kontrol paketleri ile hatalarınızı görün, puanınız öğrenin, İngilizce yazı yazma becerinizi geliştirin.
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Compare & Contrast Essay Konuları
Bu bölümde sizinle bir compare & contrast essay konusu paylaşıyoruz. Tüm compare & contrast essay konularını incelemek için compare & contrast essay konuları sayfasını inceleyin.
Konu 1
Please compare or contrast Private and Public Universities in terms of their;
- Costs
- Opportunities/ Facilities
- Quality of Education
- Student profiles
Konu 2
Compare or contrast summer holidays and winter holidays regarding the following points;
- Which places are suitable for those types of holidays?
- What kind of activities can be done?
- What do people need when they go to a summer/winter holiday?
Konular: argumentative essay konuları, advantage disadvantage essay konuları, problem solution essay konuları, compare contrast essay konuları, cause effect essay konuları, essay topics